[40K] The Black March

The Black March is my Black Legion Chaos Space Marine army, which was my first forray into the grimdark of Warhammer 40K. When I bought into the army, I didn't really consider making a competitive list, and really just bought the units I thought looked awesome :)

So below are the units I plan on finishing up - the units listed in grey are models I have acquired and hope to get around to finishing one day.


Chaos Terminator Sorcerer - Psylarr the Wicked


Chaos Space Marines - The Renegades, led by Marrow

Chaos Space Marines - The Altered, led by Bane

Berserkers - The Carnage, led by Furien


Chaos Rhino - The Ride

Still in the box...
Abaddon the Despoiler (unassembled)
Chaos Dreadnought (assembled, primed)
Chaos Terminators (5) (assembled, primed)
5 Plague Marines (assembled, primed)
4 Chaos Bikers (unassembled)
Chaos Rhino (unassembled)