Thursday, January 27, 2022

[KoW] Dwarfs - New Recruits

The next models to be recruited for my Kings of War Dwarf Army are these gores, which will be part of my 'Mastiff' Hunting Pack.
I don't have nearly enough mastiff models to make a swarm of them, and with no feasible way of getting more, these proxies will have to do! At least they're still Mantic models :)

These models are taken from my vast collection of models that have never seen the table, so I'm happy to breathe new life into them.
Check out these before and after photos - these once diseased, drug-addled mawbeast gores have been reborn as a Warboar Hunting Pack!

Before: Mawbeast Gores for my Goblins
After: 'Mastiff' Hunting Pack for my Dwarfs!

Sync out.