Thursday, June 18, 2020

[Infinity CodeOne] Pan Oceania WinterFor Assembled

I pre-ordered the Infinity CodeOne - Operation Kaldstrom set with a friend a while ago, and finally got around to assembling my half of the models.
I'll be diving back into Infinity with Code One and Pan Oceania WinterFor!

Sync out.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

[KoW] Dwarfs - Earth Elementals

Greater Earth Elemental
I opted to use the Abyssal Dwarf Lesser Obsidian Golems as my Earth Elementals because I have a huge preference for working with non-metal models.
I also prefer the aesthetic, and after removing the evil looking horns and giving them a 'rock golem' style paint scheme, I think they turned out well.
The bases aren't quite done yet (my scenic hobby supplies are at my parents place and our current lockdown laws prohibit visits) so I'll finish the bases another time.

Earth Elementals (Horde)

Earth Elementals (Horde)

What I didn't realise is that the Lesser Obsidian Golems are actually Monstrous Infantry, and not Large Infantry, as Earth Elementals are!
I managed to fit three of them each on a Large Infantry Horde base, which isn't ideal because now I lose the option of running them as Regiments :(

Here's a picture of the unit from the top, to see just how much of the footprint these models occupy:

Sync out.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

[KoW] Dwarfs - Elemental Enforcers

Happy Birthday to me! I thought I'd treat myself by adding a cool centerpiece model to my Dwarf Army, as well as some equally cool large infantry to support him!
These three boxes together cost more than my Dwarf Starter Army set, so it was nice to splurge a little.

I'm going to use the Abyssal Dwarf Obsidian Lesser Golems as my Dwarf Earth Elementals (with some minor conversations) - the Earth Elemental models look cool, but I really, REALLY don't like working with metal models.

Sync out.

Monday, March 9, 2020

[KoW] Dwarfs - Reinforcements

So within the past month I've managed to assemble and paint 101 infantry, 10 cavalry and 4 warmachines!
I'm really proud of that achievement, and after painting through the core of my Mantic Dwarf Army, I'm looking forward to picking up some of the more interesting units - enough painting boys, time to paint some toys!

Here are the units I've added to my army since my last update:

Ironguard / Ironclad
More Ironguard / Ironclad
Ironwatch Crossbows / Rangers
Army Standard Bearer and
Warmachine Crew
Ironbelcher Organ Guns

Sync out.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

[KoW] Dwarfs - Abyssal Dwarf Turncoats

I discovered Kings of War in August 2011, and at that time, the system wasn't even officially in it's first edition.
I painted up an Abyssal Dwarf Army which has never seen the table, and whose models were just the standard Dwarf models, with some additional metal components attached to make them look Abyssal.

Fast forward to February 2020, and I find myself in the need for more Dwarfs for my Throng - so I decided that I would re-purpose these models as Dwarfs for my current project.
It was an easy decision; these models have been gathering dust for almost 9 years AND Mantic Games have just put a range of new Abyssal Dwarfs up for pre-order!

So from my old Crypt Kings Clan (40 models) and the left over models from Dwarf Army Set, I managed to assemble two Ironguard Regiments and another Crossbow/Ranger Regiment.
Oh, and an Army Standard Bearer and some crew for my warmachines!

All the metal Abyssal Dwarf bits are at the bottom,
and the plastic standard Dwarf bits are at the middle and top

Another regiment of Ironguard for the Throng!
(good thing I kept the bits for 9 years!)

More Dwarfs to be added to my Throng soon!
Sync out.

Monday, March 2, 2020

[KoW] Dwarf Army Set Complete!

I've been painting like an absolute madman since receiving my Mantic Dwarf Army a few weeks back, and I'm proud to say that I've finished off the contents of the box!
This will be the core for my Dwarf Throng, and I already have plans for expanding my army with more infantry, cavalry, warmachines and heroes - and maybe a titan!

More Shieldbreakers
Ironguard / Ironclad
Ironwatch Crossbows / Rangers
Ironbelcher Cannons
Berserker Brock Riders
More Berserker Brock Riders
I'm ready for the tournament on March 15th, so now I can continue to build my army at a more relaxed pace.
More Kings of War Dwarf action to come!

Sync out.

Monday, February 10, 2020

[KoW] Dwarf Army WIP

My Dwarf Army box arrived last week and build phase of my project is now complete!
All the units I have planned for my first 1500 tournament are assembled, and are ready for basing then undercoating.

I definitely enjoy painting more than assembling, so my biggest hurdle to the project is finished!

Sync out.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

The Throng Marches!

I managed to score the old version of the Dwarf Army Set on eBay (I really wanted Brock Riders, which the current set doesn't have) and for my first 1500 point tournament I'm challenging myself to just using the contents of this army box.
If I was following full model-count (FMC), this box alone wouldn't be enough for a full 1500 point Dwarf army, but using these old movement trays and sticking to preferred model-count (PMC) instead, I can stretch out the contents of the box to 1500 points.
I'll also need to use the infantry and cavalry models as heroes for the time being, but as my army grows I'll replace them with the official Mantic models.

As a fantasy race, I've always been drawn to dwarfs - the culture or their civilization, the ethos that drives their people, and the stoic determination of their warriors.
During Kings of War v1, I had planned to make a Dwarf army to act as the heroes opposite my Abyssal Dwarf Army (double dwarfs!) and potentially run demo games for Kings of War - which at this time was just in it's infancy. That project never came to fruition though, and last year I ended up using those Dwarf models as an army for Warlords of Erehwon.

With the arrival of this army set, I'm well and truly committed to Kings of War v3 - so for the next year I'm going to focus my hobby and gaming exclusively on Kings of War, and my Mantic Dwarf army.
I'm going to stop buying into systems that don't have established local communities, even awesome Mantic systems like Deadzone, Dreadball and The Walking Dead: All Out War. It doesn't matter how great a game is, if there is no one to play with!
The local tournament I signed up for on March 15th is actually the first tournament of a series of four tournaments to be held throughout this year - which guarantees I'll get regular Kings of War gaming in through 2020!

Very excited about this year - WIPs on my Mantic Dwarf Throng coming up!
Sync out.