Wednesday, March 11, 2020

[KoW] Dwarfs - Elemental Enforcers

Happy Birthday to me! I thought I'd treat myself by adding a cool centerpiece model to my Dwarf Army, as well as some equally cool large infantry to support him!
These three boxes together cost more than my Dwarf Starter Army set, so it was nice to splurge a little.

I'm going to use the Abyssal Dwarf Obsidian Lesser Golems as my Dwarf Earth Elementals (with some minor conversations) - the Earth Elemental models look cool, but I really, REALLY don't like working with metal models.

Sync out.

Monday, March 9, 2020

[KoW] Dwarfs - Reinforcements

So within the past month I've managed to assemble and paint 101 infantry, 10 cavalry and 4 warmachines!
I'm really proud of that achievement, and after painting through the core of my Mantic Dwarf Army, I'm looking forward to picking up some of the more interesting units - enough painting boys, time to paint some toys!

Here are the units I've added to my army since my last update:

Ironguard / Ironclad
More Ironguard / Ironclad
Ironwatch Crossbows / Rangers
Army Standard Bearer and
Warmachine Crew
Ironbelcher Organ Guns

Sync out.