Friday, December 7, 2018

[Hero Kids]

In my search for ways to introduce my daughter to tabletop games I discovered Hero Kids, a light RPG aimed at kids by Justin Halliday of Hero Forge Games.
Hero Kids is the ENnie award-winning fantasy RPG for kids aged from 4 to 10.  This game offers a fast and fun introduction to RPGs, perfect for younger kids who are just getting interested in role-playing games.
At this time of this post, it is currently rated 4.5 stars with 121 ratings on DriveThruRPG.

Though it's described as an RPG, and it certainly does have RPG elements included in the rules and pre-made adventures, I would describe the heart of the system as a dungeon crawl boardgame with RPG elements.
After picking up and checking out the Hero Kids Core Rules, I went all-in on the Hero Kids Complete Fantasy Bundle.

So this will be my next project, and in the hopes of using this system as a gateway into tabletop adventuring, I've been painting (and repainting) some of the old Super Dungeon Explore heroes I have lying around.
I bought the Super Dungeon Explore 1st Edition box when it was released, and painted up the heroes for it many years back. I also backed the Super Dungeon Explore: Forgotten King Kickstarter as well - so I've got a ton of heroes and monsters to use for our adventures.

I've already started building characters (based on traditional RPG archetypes) for these models using the simple character creation system, so expect photos of my Super Dungeon Explore heroes soon!
Sync out.