Sunday, October 22, 2023

[Blitz Bowl] Terrain Phase 2 - Part 2 Painted and Complete

It was finally good weather for spray painting outside, so a few coats of primer and some glued on 'moss', and my Blitz Bowl Terrain Project is now complete!

I have a custom pitch, as well as all the custom terrain to represent the boards for each edition of the game.

Sync out.

Friday, October 20, 2023

[Blitz Bowl] New 3D Printed Teams

In looking for cheaper options to add more Blitz Bowl teams to my collection, I turned to 3D printing and found JesterPrints on Etsy, a local 3D printer here in Sydney, Australia.

Sean from JesterPrints was kind enough to fulfil a custom order - instead of 3D printing the complete Blood Bowl teams on his Etsy store, Sean printed a selection from each Blood Bowl team to make a Blitz Bowl teams!

So I've just received my next 5 teams, and I'll start painting through them.

Sync out.

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

[Blitz Bowl] Terrain Phase 2 - Part 1 Designed and Constructed

Phase 2 of my Blitz Bowl Terrain Project will be the obstructions for the pitches in Season 1 and Season 2, which luckily use the same pieces.

Here are some WIP photos of the construction and completed pieces, but I'll have wait for a sunny day before hitting them with a few coats of paint.

Completed pieces

Sync out.

Thursday, October 12, 2023

[Blitz Bowl] Terrain Phase 1 - Part 2 Painted and Complete

Well, after a few coats of paint and some strategically glued flock, my pillars and walls are complete. These pieces will serve to represent the obstructions on the Ultimate Edition pitches.

Phase 1 of my Blitz Bowl Terrain Project is complete!

Now onto Phase 2 - terrain pieces for Season 1 and Season 2!

Sync out.

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

[Blitz Bowl] Terrain Phase 1 - Part 1 Designed and Constructed

Now that I have my custom Blitz Bowl pitch, I need custom terrain pieces to represent the obstructions on the pitches of Season 1, Season 2 and Ultimate Edition gameboards.

Phase 1 of my Blitz Bowl Terrain Project are the pillars and walls for the Ultimate Edition pitches. 
I designed the pillars and walls using simple MDF squares and rectangles, and had the pieces cut and shipped by Back to Base-ix here in Australia.

I've finished construction for each of the pieces, but I'll give them a coat of paint and post pictures of the final pieces once they're completed.

Completed pieces

Sync out.

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

[Blitz Bowl] Custom Pitch

Thanks to the generous Dawid Żabicki of the Blitz Bowl Fans facebook group, I am now the proud owner of a custom Blitz Bowl pitch!

The image used for the pitch was kindly shared by Dawid, along with his recommendation for the AliExpress listing for 'custom 2mm thick neoprene mousepads' to have the mat printed and delivered.

Now I'll need to make some custom terrain, to represent all the combinations of obstructions for each of the Blitz Bowl pitches from Season 1, Season 2 and Ultimate Edition!

Sync out.

Saturday, October 7, 2023

[Blitz Bowl] Black Orcs Assembled and Primed

These were already assembled, as part of the second-hand copy of Blood Bowl Second Season Edition I aquired, so I just based and primed them - and now they're ready for paint!

Sync out.

[Blitz Bowl] Troll and Ogre Assembled

The Troll will join my Goblin Team (replacing his previous proxy, the Orc Big'Un Blocker) and the Ogre will join my Halfling Team as a proxy for the Treeman.

Sync out.

Friday, October 6, 2023

[Blitz Bowl] Blood Bowl Second Season Edition

In my quest to add more Blitz Bowl teams to my collection, I managed to grab a second-hand copy of Blood Bowl Second Season Edition for almost 60% off the Games Workshop price!

I've already painted a Black Orc team (made up of left-over models from the Orc and Goblin teams) but it'll be nice to replace them with the official models. The Black Orc team is already assembled, so I'm keen to get painting on these as soon as possible!

I'll be able to use the Troll in my Goblin Team (currently I'm using a left-over Orc Big'Un Blocker as my Troll) and I'll use the Ogre as a Treeman in my Halfling team.

Oh, and the Human Noble team and dice sets are very welcome additions to my Blitz Bowl collection :)

Sync out.

[Blitz Bowl] Wood Elf Team

Sync out.