I managed to score the old version of the Dwarf Army Set on eBay (I really wanted Brock Riders, which the current set doesn't have) and for my first 1500 point tournament I'm challenging myself to just using the contents of this army box.
If I was following full model-count (FMC), this box alone wouldn't be enough for a full 1500 point Dwarf army, but using
these old movement trays and sticking to preferred model-count (PMC) instead, I can stretch out the contents of the box to 1500 points.
I'll also need to use the infantry and cavalry models as heroes for the time being, but as my army grows I'll replace them with the official Mantic models.
As a fantasy race, I've always been drawn to dwarfs - the culture or their civilization, the ethos that drives their people, and the stoic determination of their warriors.
During Kings of War v1, I had
planned to make a Dwarf army to act as the heroes opposite
my Abyssal Dwarf Army (double dwarfs!) and potentially run demo games for Kings of War - which at this time was just in it's infancy. That project never came to fruition though, and last year I ended up using those Dwarf models as an
army for Warlords of Erehwon.
With the arrival of this army set, I'm well and truly committed to Kings of War v3 - so for the next year I'm going to focus my hobby and gaming exclusively on Kings of War, and my Mantic Dwarf army.
I'm going to stop buying into systems that don't have established local communities, even awesome Mantic systems like Deadzone, Dreadball and The Walking Dead: All Out War. It doesn't matter how great a game is, if there is no one to play with!
The local tournament I signed up for on March 15th is actually the first tournament of a series of four tournaments to be held throughout this year - which guarantees I'll get regular Kings of War gaming in through 2020!
Very excited about this year - WIPs on my Mantic Dwarf Throng coming up!
Sync out.